Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Notradamus vs. Edgar Cayce


A couple of weeks ago, I saw this documentary on the History Channel about Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce (people who predict the future). Everyone knows, or has at least heard of the late Nostradamus and of his amazing prophecies made of future events. Vague and unclear of the actual meaning, scholars and historians have successfully hypothesized the actual meaning of his written and filed 941 quatrains. Reading his work is about as much fun as reading The Bible itself from cover to cover, or some 17th Century Shakespearean play. Not to say that his work isn't valid for his time, but over the years, scholars and historians have diluted the meaning so much that is has become more translucent than purified water. That by which his prediction of:

"Sad counsels, disloyal, cunning, wicked advice, the Law will be betrayed: The people stirred wild, quarrelsome, In borough as in town, the entire peace hated".

This makes about as much sense as a 3 year old learning to talk. Come now, use your words Nostradamus, use your words.

Now historians are able to apply this prophecy to exactly what again? Well, I say it's been happening since the birth of the U.S. in July 4, 1776. We the people would apply this fourteenth century prophecy to the actions made by Republicans and Democrats, the Green Party and Communist Party.

Furthermore, let us not forget his prophecy made about the events to take place during the twelfth century:

"The remonstrances made to the ungrateful people, thereupon the army will seize Antibes: The complaints will place Monace I the arch, and at Frw:jus the one will take the shore from the other."

Well this one is easily explained. If you take Kiss's 1987 record, "Crazy Nights" and play it backwards, you come up with Nostradamus's twelfth century prophecy.

I'm not saying that Nostradamus was just some grandpa who forgot to take his daily meds. and became color crayon happy. But if he was in fact a prophet as some people say and have come to believe, you would think he would be able to pinpoint exact dates of these life altering events, the people involved and the outcome. I'll say this, I lost all faith in Nostradamus when he failed to predict the worst devastation to have ever fall upon society. The release of Hanson's MMMBop in 1996. Yeah, well where were you then Nostradamus? That's what I thought.

Now as for Edgar Cayce. This guy has really freaked me out totally. Called sleeping prophet, he has moved me to go out and buy a rosary and a Holy Bible. We all know that astrology and God aren't supposed to mix. In fact, to read your daily horoscope is to tango with the devil himself! Yet, this guy is not only a devouted Christian, but he's as well psychic. Throughout his 40-some odd years of readings he has made many diagnose's on simple and complex medical conditions to predictions about the future; which surprising have proven to be true. His predictions are detailed and can pinpoint down to the year or era this event was to occur. In one prediction, it was said that he foresaw a shift of the earth's poles around the millennium (between 1958 and 1998) which would result from the earth's crust moving independently from the core. This would bring a different surface area over the spin axis. The cause of the earth's changes will be the shift in the world's magnetic poles around the year 2000. He predicted that when this pole shift occurs, it would begin reversals in the world's climate so that:

"...where there has been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, there will be more tropical one, and moss and fern will grow."

In 1998, the pole shifting occurred. According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in 1998 something changed the earth's gravitational field, which moved the magnetic poles closer together. And thus started the process of global warming. It looks like 2007 Nobel Peace prize winner Al Gore will have to be stripped of his medal. Too bad Cayce didn't get his predictions copyrighted or patented before his death.

Strangely what these two have in common is their ability to predict their own deaths. As morbidly creepy as it sounds, their death predictions were indeed precise.

July 1, 1566, Nostradamus's assistant wished him a goodnight, where he reputedly pronounced, "You will not find me alive at sunrise". He was found dead on July 2, 1566.

January 1, 1945, Cayce announced that he would be buried in four more days. This was yet another prediction that proved to be true.

So it makes me wonder if the predictions of Cayce and Nostradamus are too far fetched, or should we all keep their words in the back of our minds. In their predictions, below are the things we should keep an eye on for the future are:

1.) The year of the second coming of Christ (may have already happened).
2.) A new discovery in astronomy will occur
3.) There is a possibility of a World War III
4.) Major archeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found
5.) China will become a Christian nation
6.) Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes
7.) America's west coast will be destroyed
8.) Ocean levels will rise significantly
9.) Dramatic changes in coastlines around the world
10.) Major earth changes will occur in America
11.) A new era of peace and enlightenment will follow the tremendous earth changes

That's some major change!!!! Now you don't need to go out and stock up on bottled water and cans of Spam yet. It is still the year 2008. These changes are to take place over large spans of time. As put well by Prince Gautama, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind of the present moment." I couldn't agree with this more myself.