Thursday, January 15, 2009

P90X - The Beginning

I realize that I started this log a little late. I'm now ending week five of this P90X journey and I've seen some considerable difference in everything from my agility, balance, posture, energy, strength, endurance and body size.

I first decided to do the P90X workout when I saw people around me doing the workout and enjoying it. Matt has friends who are athletes. I've notice some athletes that I know turn up their noses when they hear about exercise programs you can do in the comfort of your own home. Heck, I'm not an athlete and I'm was not enthusiastic about it. So the fact that Matt's college track friends were doing this workout and loving it, raised my head a little.

First of all, I was out of shape. Seriously; mushy & gushy all over. I've always been semi-active in running long distances and at one point was able to continuously run for 9 miles on a daily basis. I was at the peak of my performance; I looked good and felt good. I ate healthy and made a commitment to run every day (including Sundays). Crazy I know, but I was 22 at the time. I'm now 26 and have problems with my Achilles and other tendons which has given me grief every time I try to run again. When everyone says, "you're body remembers, and it won't take you long to get back to where you were". They are exactly right. My body did remember. In fact it remembered so well, that it surpassed my body itself.

Last year in March of 2008, I volunteered for a running training program through our local Fleet Feet store. It was called "New Balance Couch to 5K". It took an out of shape person from couch-bag-o-potato-chips in hand, and turned you into a 5K (3 mile) runner. They guided you on making healthy choices and slowly building up your mileage so as to not injure yourself.

I was again feeling good. In between that 3 month training program which only committed 3 nights a week towards running made a world of a difference. I lost weight, was feeling good and felt like I was 22 again. I was at the front of the pack the entire time and had a boost of confidence. My clothes were fitting and I was ready to go shopping for smaller clothes. And then I got cocky.

Between those 3 months, I decided that running a couple of local races would only help me. How so wrong I was. I ended up beating my time each race by at least a minute up to 2 minutes which was fantastic, and I became obsessed. During my second race in Sacramento, injured myself and most importantly, the doctor benched me for the rest of the running program with Fleet Feet. I had to sit on the side lines and watch my friends run past me. I was disappointed and determined to do everything I can to get out there without losing my confidence or motivation. Most importantly, my motivation.

I was benched for about 6 weeks and so was my motivation. I went right back to where I was and again, I felt disappointed with the fact that I overused my body and it slapped me back. I had to face the fact that I'm no longer 22, but 26 and my body isn't as forgiving.

So for the next 6 months, I did no activity whatsoever. I made bad eating choices and was right back where I was before. I was unhappy with myself and whatever food I ate didn't do anything but momentarily mask the bad feeling of my diminished self confidence. Not only was it affecting me, but it affected everyone around me. My attitude changed into a pessimistic attitude, I was grumpy and snappy on a daily basis, and my blood pressure was through the roof (separate-but semi linked issue).

When my roommate moved in August, 2008, we vowed to each other to start running. We slowly gained our mileage up to 3 miles. That was when my own my brain and cardio fitness level surpassed my body again and unbeknownst, I injured myself again. I was completely frustrated at this point. The one exercise I love has told me, "you can't do what you did back then kid". I cried to Matt and told him that I was giving up.

So again, I took to the couch and gave up. I accepted the fact that running wasn't my sport anymore.

Going to the gym only lasted about 2 weeks. I didn't feel comfortable there and it just didn't feel right doing an Elyptical Climbing machine for 1.5 hours to make up for running.

So in September of 2008, I kept hearing about P90X this, P90X that. I saw the infomercial, but thought to myself, "Oh, another Jane Austin video routine". September passed by and I noticed a change in Matt's friends. They were still committed to the P90X, and they looked great. My curiosity grew, and I wanted to view the videos before I spent $120.00 on something I'd give up in a week. I never got a chance to view them and by November I took a chance. I ordered the package thinking that I had nothing to loose except $20.00 for shipping & handling. If I didn't like it, I could return it and get my money back.

So I waited, and waited, and waited for 2 weeks. I started it in December of 2008. I didn't want to wait until New Years, simply for the fact that "losing weight" seems to be on everyone else's priority list of resolutions. I thought that if I started in December, I'd still have the motivation to keep going when January, 2009 hit. For $125.00 I upgraded my shipping, added the P90X pull-up bar, received 3 elastic bands, and got a recovery drink included in my order. So here the breakdown of my journey so far:

Week 1 was brutal. I don't remember ever being so sore. Mostly, I thought I could do everything. I had to really take it down 5 notches. My pushups were done on my knees and I was constantly fatigued halfway through the exercise. Also during the first week, I didn't use any weights; not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't have any. I didn't want to use the bands because they were awkward and uncomfortable to use. Not only, that, but I had 0 muscle definition. I'm glad I didn't, because I think it would have been too much.

By week 3, there was no change. I had bought weights a used sports equipment store and was able to use them. By this time, I was following the recipe guidelines and not much change occurred.

Be the end of week 4, I was able to get lower in my squats. My balance, energy and strength was improving, but I was still doing the modified versions of the pushup and pull-up exercises. I was also supposed to take photos at my 30 day mark. I did just that and wanted to cry. I had worked out for 4 weeks and I didn't see any change in my body. I took a peak at the P90X fitness guide and looked online where people showed change in their bodies. I didn't understand why I couldn't see the change in mine.

That was when my roommate Veronica asked me the most important question I'll ever have to answer in my entire life of fitness. "How long did it take you to put on your weight?". I really had to think about this one, "Well, I think it was an accumulation of about 6 months". Then she asked, "Do you really expect to loose 6 months of weight gain in one month?". *DING! I bulb just went off. I realized that I just had to be patient and keep going, and so I have.

I'm now in week 5. I'm now beginning to see a slight difference in my core section and my agility, balance, posture, energy, strength and endurance has improved by at least 60%.

I've missed a couple days of workouts over the holidays, but I didn't punish myself. I simply picked up where I left off.

It's now the middle January, and I remember seeing the Today Show with Matt Lauer and Katie Couric weeks ago. They had 3 women as guests on their show who had lost half of their body weight. When asked how they did it and how long it took, they all had different answers, but equally encouraged me to keep going. For one woman, it took her 3 years to loose all her weight. 3 YEARS, and I'm here complaining about a month. She didn't use any type of surgery major diets like Weight Watchers. She ate healthy and exercised. That's all.

As I end week five, I gained a little humility in the last couple of weeks. My mood has also improved, I feel better and confident about myself, I sleep better at night, I'm making healthy choices in food, and my optimistic self is drowning out my pessimistic self. Mostly, I realize that I'm not a chiseled, 115 lb. size 3. But I also realize that I'm not even halfway through this program, and if I feel this good now, I can't imagine how great I'll feel when I'm done. If I'm a 125 lb. size 5, I'll still be more than excited!

My goal at the end of this program is to incorporate running while doing P90X again!!! Perhaps this time, I wont push myself so hard! :o)

I'll keep you posted as I go through this P90X journey.

Friday, December 19, 2008


View On White

Hey guys, need a holiday break? Me too!

My roommate was talking about love tanks. She asked, What fills your love tank? Naturally, I don't know what a "love tank" is, so she explained. "A love tank is something someone does to you, gives to you, or says to you that makes you feel special and loved, thus filling your love tank. For some people; it's receiving a gift, and for others it may be encouraging words from the heart."

So what fills my love tank is Simplicity. When things are clean, simple, clutter free, and my environment isn't overwhelming, I feel at peace. So when I come home and everything is in good pecking order and the house smells Wonderful, my love tank is full! See, I have this small little pet peeve about smelly homes. I don't like being in homes that smell funny or gross, so I'm always lighting candles, plugging in air fresheners to the walls & whatnot.

Since our conversation, I've been trying to fill other peoples love tanks too!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and I hope your love tanks are filled and overflowing this winter!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This was so funny, I just had to put it up!

Please do be safe this Holiday Season and don't drive drunk.

My First Face

Matt is such a sport!!! Normally when I try to take photos of him, he gets uncomfortable and nervous and often screws up the photo. This last Sunday we were driving around looking for a place to get some gas and at this moment, I snapped this photo of him seeing an open spot. I hate car shots, but I had decided to play with it and see where it got me. I ended up with a lovely portrait of him with my favorite feature, his eyes. I love candid moments!

On a side note. I can stare at this thing all day and often times got back for a looksie....I just get all warm and fuzzy until I go home to the real thing. :o) *Be still my heart!

I've also been experimenting with my signature. I like it's location at the bottom of the photos, so that it doesn't take away from the photo itself. You can let me know what you think.

Here is the before photo of him in the car:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Straight No Chaser - 12 Days of Christmas

These guys are awesome! I grew up in a Choir and I LOVE anything a capella!

On a side note, I'm a big Toto fan too! HA!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Starbucks to Voters!

Did you vote? Starbucks will be giving away free coffee to voters today. You just drive up the window and tell them you voted. It's that easy. But, please do be kind and pay for your coffee if you didn't vote. I voted a couple weeks ago by mail.

Photo courtesy of: ruolf_schuba

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Matcha Tea

I was so excited. I have a foreign exchanged student from Japan and she knows fresh Matcha. I'm the type of girl who only demands the best and will not settle for less. I was purchasing matcha off the shelves of our local Asian markets, and she informed me that a lot of what they had on their shelves were expired. She directed me to an online site, I tried some this morning, and wow. I can definitely tell the difference between fresh and outdated matcha. :o)