Friday, October 31, 2008

Old Man River

It's August 21, 1859, on William Ellison's cotton plantation in Como, Mississippi. Ellison discusses politics with George Palmer, the town's local judge. They sit rocking in their chairs overlooking Ellison's cotton fields, taking short puffs of their cigars while a mulatto girl without a name slowly fans Ellison.

Moments later, Mrs. Ellison brings out some fresh lemonade from the kitchen and sets it on the table between the two men. She leans over and kisses Ellison on his sweaty forehead and walks back into the mansion to begin her cross-stitching.

Meanwhile, the 300 men, women and children are bent over in 112 degree heat, hand picking cotton one by one and loading it into woven grass baskets strapped to their backs. A small slave boy by the name of Carter walks by with a wooden bucket of stream water and a ladle. He stops by each pair of workers and offers a drink.

Off in the distance, a newly purchased slave by the name of Humphrey starts humming a well known tune, Old Man River; a song taught to him by his mother when he was 8 years old. It had been 24 years since he had seen her, yet he remembers every word and note. He pauses to remember what she always told him. "The only thing you own in this world that The Man can't take from you is your soul". After a few minutes, he slightly smiles and starts singing the words out loud.

"What do you got that boy doing over there?", asks Palmer.

"He's watering my cattle.", replies Mr. Ellison.

"Watering your cattle? Now why would you want to do something like that? Seems sort of wasteful. You can't eat them. They don't even produce milk. The only thing those things are good for is working and reproducing; sometimes a little pleasure if you find the right one. I prefer the 12 year old ones myself, they're fresh and they're easier to hold down", Palmer says with a chuckle.

"It's kind of hard to squeeze milk from a hungry cow, George. It's more cost effective to keep them healthy and happy. Healthy and happy cattle work harder and produce more", Ellison replies while glaring at him from the corner of his eye.

Palmer now uncomfortable, clears his throat and takes two quick puffs of his cigar. After a few minutes of silence, he says,"There are talks of war you know."

"So I've heard."

To be continued.......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Makes You Wonder

Ever since stinkerbell1 uploaded a picture of an African boy and his bucket, I've been more conscious about water conservation. I've started to take note and modify my old habits like:

1.) Letting the water run while I brush my teeth
2.) If there was any condensation in my water bottle I throw it away
3.) Giving the dogs fresh water every day
4.) Standing in the shower 10 more minutes just to feel the warmth

I've managed to get a hold of #1 & #3, but #2 I'm still working on, and #4 is....well....! ^_^

Thursday, October 23, 2008


"Raindrops keep falling, because I'm freeeeee, nothing's worrying meeeeeee..."

Way better on black

I'm so ready for the rain to come! ^_^

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All Tuckered Out

The life of a puppy: He likes to sleep on the couch pillows. Balian & Samson will play for hours and then just collapse wherever they tend to be at that moment in time.

Lately, Samson has been making his way towards the couch pillows to rest his head. Sometimes I know he's dreaming when I see his paws twitch and hear a slight whine.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have You Found Your Halloween Costume Yet?

Have you found your Halloween costume yet? I think every year, costumes get more and more creative. It's just another reason why I love this season.

These people look like they just stepped off the set of "28 Days Later". They're actually people partaking in the Toronto Zombie Walk, 2008. I never heard it before until now, and I'm wondering how many cities do this.

Photos are taken by WV

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wedding Day Blooper

My co-worker sent this video to me at work today & it cracked me up. Is it so wrong to laugh at other peoples expense? Well, sometimes it is.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wire Dress Form

I've never seen one of these before as a decorative garden piece. It's not a bad idea though. What was once used as a tool for making extravagant dresses, turned into a home decorative piece; has now made it's way to the garden. I think this was one of the best pieces I saw there that day.

I now want one for my home!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mini Pumpkin Wreath

I found this cute craft item at on Armelle's blog page. It's such a cute idea. This girl has such great ideas. Mine didn't turn out as well, but I had fun making it!

I was going to hang it on my door, but I just realized that it was not wood. So it's hanging on my wall.

One of the pumpkins just fell off, so I'm off to reglue it back on. ^_^

Here's how you make it


White or orange mini pumpkins [enough fill your wreath]
Wire wreath from craft store
Hot glue gun & glue

Wrap the ribbon around the wire frame and glue it in place
Tie a ribbon around the wreath for hanging.
Glue the mini pumpkins to the ribbon

You're done!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Voted!

It's been 8 years since I've voted and today I mailed my ballot.

I'm also becoming more accustomed to navigating my way though my blog. I haven't logged on as frequently as I should, and I felt it was time for an upgrade and cleanup of my page. I spend most of my time on Flickr because I've developed a love for photography. Perhaps I should find a way to interlink Flickr and my blog.

I've also found a couple bloggers, Chere Amie and Armelle, who's pages are really neat, clean, and informative. Perhaps when I get savvy with blogging, I will have a cool page too!
So some new and exciting things will come soon!